Metric-to-AWG Conversion Chart

AWG is the US standard that defines the cross-sectional areas and diameters for solid, round electrical wire and is based on the number of dies required to draw down the raw copper to the appropriate size.

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to convert AWG to an exact metric system measurement. Explore our tables below to see close approximations between AWG and metric sizes. If you need exact metric measurements, we recommend referencing data sheets and specifications for the products in question. Please contact us if you need additional assistance.

Metric to AWG Conversion

Metric Size (mm2 cross-sectional area) AWG Wire Gauge Size
0.05 30
0.08 28
0.14 26
0.25 24
0.34 22
0.38 21
0.5 20
0.75 19
1 18
1.5 16
2.5 14
4 12
6 10
10 8
16 6
25 4
35 2, 1
50 1/0
55 1/0
70 2/0, 3/0
95 4/0
120 250MCM
150 300MCM
185 350MCM, 400MCM
240 450MCM, 500MCM
300 600MCM
400 750MCM, 800MCM
500 1000MCM

AWG to Metric Conversion

AWG Wire Gauge Size Metric Size (mm2 cross-sectional area)
30 0.05
28 0.08
26 0.14
24 0.25
22 0.34
21 0.38
20 0.5
19 0.75
18 1
16 1.5
14 2.5
12 4
10 6
8 10
6 16
4 25
2 35
1 50
1/0 50
2/0 70
3/0 95
4/0 120
250MCM 120
300MCM 150
350MCM 185
400MCM 185
450MCM 240
500MCM 240
600MCM 300
750MCM 400
1000MCM 500